I've said goodbye to my two best friends in the last 24 hours. One is embarking on a two month journey of self-discovery, the other is leaving for longer to work abroad. I'm happy and full of positive anticipation for both of them. Although I'll miss them, I'm not sad to say goodbye. I feel so much at peace about seeing them off on their own private adventures, which I know I'll never fully understand. I know that, because you can't explain those adventures to anyone unless they're travelling with you. Years of living overseas taught me that. I'll be fiercely interested to hear their respective stories, and we'll pick up where we left off as far as our friendship is concerned. But I don't expect to feel and know what they've experienced in my marrow. I know the same is true about my sister's life overseas.
Their uncertainty and unsettled situations make me feel so stable and sure of myself in comparison. Although I'm still waiting to make a decision around my next career move, I'm married, in a lovely home, with great job prospects and children somewhere on the not-too-distant horizon. And I don't rely on their friendship to support me - at least, not anymore. I have my own new unit and new life with R. For the first time, it feels really great and really right to be married. I'm grateful for that.
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