Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feeling my power

I noted in my work journal yesterday that I have been feeling powerful on the career front. I am loving my clients, and the kind of work I am doing; I feel that my earning potential just keeps growing, and I have a good year of billings forecast that will easily cover my maternity leave period and start building savings into my business; I feel authoritative, confident in my convictions and recommendations and well worth my fee to my clients - I am starting to show them the value of strategic PR, rather than just being a workhorse. New business leads are flowing in easily, and my existing clients are happy.

Over and above all of that, while my cash flow is dodgy right this minute, my tax situation and general health on the financial side is strong. My accountant is nothing short of delighted with me as my first year as a business owner comes to a close. I have re-implemented our household expense budget as well, and have committed to managing it which I think will add real value to our marriage and home life. So I am on a roll with money and work, and am truly feeling my power at this stage of my career. I'm suddenly over that 'imposter' phase that I had a year or two ago and know now that I really have what it takes to have a highly successful business and brand for myself.

What marks the powerful feeling for me though is also the notion of love - just loving what I do and who I work for, loving my lifestyle and freedom as a business owner, loving my vibe and pushing it out generously to those I love. My good career energy has rubbed off in different ways on F, K, J and M during their respective job searches in recent weeks - it feels like I am tapping into the source somehow.

As part of my regular work journalling process I always choose an online angel card and ask for a word from my guides. Sounds weird but I like to add a more intuitive element to a major part of my life which by nature runs the risk of getting a bit 'earthly' and focused on the daily grind a lot of the time. I couldn't believe the messages I received yesterday during my work journal check-in: "The angel of love is with you now" - and his name? Chamuel, or Samuel... Of course! The word that was given was "Miracles" - reinforcing the idea that my pregnancy is part of the greater picture here that is making my positive work energy flow so easily. Cried with recognition and joy at these messages, and felt so affirmed in my brave choice last year to structure my career around family. I can have it all...

On a side note, it also occurred to me that maybe my current sense of confidence on the business side of things stems partially from the extra male hormones circulating in my system at the moment - and this is such a cool trimester of pregnancy, in which I have felt strong and resilient generally. Something to remember and try to maintain in my life - a balancing and harnessing of the healthy masculine energy in me can only be positive. And powerful.



Ten minutes after posting the above, I came across this thought:

"You cannot exercise much power without gratitude because it is gratitude that keeps you connected with power."

I give thanks - thanks for all I am receiving and achieving. I know that I am immensely blessed.


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